

(269) 471-6395


如果您不是美国公民或永久居民, 你很可能需要签证才能在bet365中文大学学习.

除非你来自加拿大或百慕大*, 你需要F-1签证, 为了得到一个, 你必须先收到一个 Form I-20. 请完成步骤2至7,以获得I-20和F-1签证.

(*NOTE: citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need the F-1 visa but do need an I-20; citizens of Canada and Bermuda should therefore follow Steps 2 to 5, skip Step 6, ,直接转到步骤7.)

如果你已经有F-1签证, 或者你已经持有F-1以外的签证, 你可能需要也可能不需要I-20. If you already have an I-20 from another school, you may be able to transfer it to Andrews. 如果你处于其中一种情况, 或者在另一种不确定的情况下, 请发邮件至iss@andrews.以确认您的选择.



Go here 申请:申请一个学习项目. 一旦你提交了申请, 你可以转到步骤3和4, but you will need to be officially accepted into your program of study before your I-20 can be emailed to you (Step 5).

Fill out the I-20入门表格 并通过电子邮件发送给国际财务顾问isfs@ngskmc-eis.net.

The 国际财务顾问 will review your I-20入门表格 to understand your background, 你的学术计划, 你在学校的预期生活安排, 以及你在bet365中文大学的学费计划. 所有这些信息都是签发I-20所需的.

一旦国际财务顾问审阅了你的I-20初级表格, 您将收到一封电子邮件回复,其中包含创建预算表的说明, 你会在步骤4中做什么.

Follow all directions from the 国际财务顾问 for completing the budget sheet.

After you email the 国际财务顾问 the I-20入门表格 (Step 3), you will receive an email response with a budget sheet that the 国际财务顾问 has started for you. The 国际财务顾问 will use your I-20入门表格 to fill out the top half of the budget sheet with your personal and academic information and the estimated expenses for your first academic year (or for the entire program if it is less than a year).

You will be instructed to complete the budget sheet by showing the resources you will use to meet the estimated expenses, and you will be required to send financial (and other) documents as evidence of your resources. Specific instructions for what exactly to send will be given by the 国际财务顾问 in the response email.

It is important to follow the 国际财务顾问's instructions carefully and completely and send the specific documents as requested or there will likely be delays in the process.

A Designated School Official (DSO) will email your official I-20 once the 国际财务顾问 has verified that your budget sheet is complete.

The DSO will attach your I-20 to the email (and I-20s for any F-2 dependents who will accompany you). You will be instructed to print the I-20 in color and sign and date the first page of your I-20 (and the first page of any I-20s for F-2 dependents).

After receiving your I-20 via email from a DSO, you will need to pay the I-901 SEVIS fee by going here. You will need to make this payment before you can schedule a visa interview at a U.S. embassy. 保留你的I-20(以及任何F-2家属的I-20), I-901 SEVIS费用收据, 还有你的护照——你在签证面试时需要这些.

(NOTE: citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need to schedule a visa interview at a U.S. embassy after receiving the I-20 but do need to pay the I-901 SEVIS fee; after paying the fee, 加拿大和百慕大公民应跳过步骤6,直接进入步骤7.)

Once you have received your I-20 and you have paid the I-901 SEVIS fee, contact your local U.S. 大使馆安排签证面谈.

签证面谈的等待时间各不相同. 您可以查看美国机场的预计等待时间.S. 大使馆就在你附近 here.

(NOTE: citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need to schedule a visa interview at a U.S. embassy after receiving the I-20; citizens of Canada and Bermuda should therefore skip Step 6 ,直接转到步骤7.)

Make sure that you have all of the documents you need to travel to the United States.


  • 有效护照 with F-1 visa (NOTE: citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need the F-1 visa)
  • Signed and dated I-20 (and the signed and dated  I-20s for any F-2 dependents accompanying you)
  • I-901 SEVIS费用收据




Phone: 269-471-3310

Email: silmara@ngskmc-eis.net




Phone: 269-471-6540

Email:  isfsadvisor2@ngskmc-eis.net




Phone: 269-471-6395

Email: iss@ngskmc-eis.net

Jeniffer Pena-Alvarez


Phone: 269-471-6380

Email: isfsadvisor1@ngskmc-eis.net


当你在bet365中文学习的时候, 永远记住,保持你的移民身份是最终 your 责任.

All students with a nonimmigrant visa should take 责任 for not letting their passport expire (apply for a new one at least six months before the current one expires) and for monitoring immigration deadlines such as visa expiration dates and I-20 or DS-2019 program end dates. It is your 如果最后期限临近,有责任采取行动. 如果你的护照即将到期, 与当地领事馆或大使馆联系,了解如何续签. If the program of study end date on your I-20 or DS-2019 is soon approaching but you will not complete your program by this date, contact a designated school official (DSO) in the Office of 国际学生服务 at iss@ngskmc-eis.net at least 截止日期前30天.

如果你有F-1签证, make sure you keep all versions of the I-20 issued to you over the course of your studies; if you have a J-1 visa, make sure you keep all versions of the DS-2019 issued to you over the course of your specific exchange program.

Finally, 确保你了解你在关键日期的责任, full-course-of-study招生, 延长学习计划, 在适当的授权下工作, 在美国境外旅行.S.,并休息,所有这些概述如下(2-7).

如果你是bet365中文大学的学生,持有F-1学生签证和I-20, 您应该监控某些关键日期,并采取必要的行动:

  • 到达日期. 看看你I-20上的项目开始日期. You can enter the United States beginning 30 days before this date (and not any earlier).  您可以在此日期后30天内进入美国, but you should have permission from your academic advisor to arrive late or you will not be able to take classes. 如果您没有在开始日期的30天内进入美国, your I-20 will be auto-canceled by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).
  • I-20项目结束日期. If the program end date on your I-20 is approaching and you will not actually complete your program by this date, 请填妥并提交 I-20延期表格 至少在课程结束前30天. 如果您等到此程序结束日期之后才开始扩展过程, you will likely not have the extension option and will automatically enter the 60天宽限期 (see below).
  • CPT批准日期. 你不能通过以下途径开始校外工作 CPT until you have received authorization on your I-20 with an official CPT start date from a designated school official (DSO) in the Office of 国际学生服务. 如果你在CPT批准和正式开始日期之前开始校外工作, 你的工作将被视为非法雇佣.
  • OPT申请时间. 你可以开始 OPT application process and submit the OPT Status Form beginning 90 days before the program end date listed on your I-20. Make sure you will actually graduate at the time of this program end date before you apply for OPT because once you start the OPT application process you cannot reverse it. 你也可以在项目结束后60天内申请OPT, but please understand that if you wait until your program end date or after to apply for OPT, 你可能无法完成12个月的OPT.
  • OPT开始日期. Once OPT is approved by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), 你会收到一张员工授权卡. 在EAD卡上列出的开始日期之前,你不能开始OPT工作.
  • OPT失业期. OPT被批准时,你不需要有工作, but you do need to find employment (at least 30 hours/week) within the first 90 days after the start date listed on your EAD card. If you do not register employment in your SEVIS Portal account within these first 90 days, 您的OPT状态将自动结束.
  • 60天宽限期. Once your program end date arrives and you have taken no previous action (such as extending your I-20 or applying for OPT), 您将自动进入60天的宽限期. 在此期间, 你可以申请OPT, 申请另一个学习项目, 把你的I-20转到另一所学校, 或者什么都不做. If you do nothing, you will be required to depart the United States once the 60 days is up. 注意:一旦进入60天的宽限期, 你将不能延长I-20上的项目结束日期. 最后,在完成OPT (i)后.e., the employment end date listed on your EAD card), you will enter the 60天宽限期.

如果你持有非F-1签证, please contact the Office of 国际学生服务 to discuss which key dates apply to you.


如果你有F-1签证和I-20签证, you must be registered for a "full course of study" each fall and spring semester to maintain your immigration status.  If your I-20 has a start date within any of the summer sessions (rather than at the start of fall or spring semesters), you must be registered for a "full course of study" during that first summer you are on campus.

的“全部课程” 本科生 是指每学期至少修12个学分吗.

的“全部课程” 研究生 定义为:

  • 注册至少8个学分(9 MDiv)每学期或
  • Enrolling in a course or section categorized as having "full time status" in the current university bulletin

如果你持有非F-1签证, please check with a designated school official (DSO) about the number of credits you need to take each semester.


  • If you are not going to finish your program of study by the end date listed on your I-20, 通过iss@andrews与指定的学校官员(DSO)联系.至少在结束日期前30天提交. If you need to extend your program of study end date, you can simply complete and submit the I-20延期表格.
  • If you let the program of study end date pass without completing or extending your program of study, 你马上就会失去身份. At this point, 你很可能不得不暂时离开美国, 再次支付SEVIS费用, and return to the United States with a new I-20 (and possibly a new F-1 visa) before you can enroll for more classes.


  • 请通过iss@andrews与指定的学校官员(DSO)联系.edu 至少在课程结束前30天 listed on your DS-2019 if you intend to extend your time as an exchange visitor.
  • 如果你错过了这个日子, 您可能需要支付费用才能恢复您的身份, 在某些情况下, 你可能不被允许恢复你的身份.

如果你持有非F-1或J-1签证, please contact the Office of 国际学生服务 to discuss if and how you can extend your visa dates.


  • 持有F-1签证的学生可以 在bet365中文工作 up to 20 hours per week while taking classes and more than 20 hours per week during school breaks.
  • 如果你是bet365中文大学的第一年学生, you can work up to 29 hours per week during school breaks when you are not taking classes; after your first year of studies at Andrews, you can work up to 40 hours per week during school breaks when you are not taking classes.


  • 在校外工作需要授权,通常是通过授权 课程实践训练(CPT) or 选择性实习训练(OPT).
  • 如果你擅自在校外工作,美国政府将禁止你在校外工作.S. government (SEVIS) requires that a designated school official (DSO) in the Office of 国际学生服务 immediately cancel your I-20. You will then be out of status and required to depart the United States immediately.

如果你持有非F-1签证,  you should visit the Office of 国际学生服务 to discuss your employment options.

如果你有F-1签证 and plan to travel internationally during your program of study, visit a designated school official (DSO) in the Office of International Student services before you leave the Andrews campus so that we can make sure you have everything you need to return.

Once you depart the United States, you will need, at the very minimum, the following to reenter:

  • 有效护照
  • 有效的I-20表格,并注明有效日期和由DSO签发的旅行签注
  • Valid unexpired F-1 visa (NOTE: citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not need the F-1 visa)

Depending on your travel plans and the length of time you intend to be out of the country, 可能会有额外的要求. Always talk to a DSO 在你离开之前 so that you can anticipate and meet all requirements.

如果您计划离开美国超过5个月, 你的I-20签证将被取消,当你返回bet365中文大学时, 在你进入美国之前,你将被要求获得新的I-20.

If you plan to be out of the United States for an extended time but less than 5 months, it may be possible to temporarily deactivate your I-20 and reactivate it when you return, 但要让这成为可能, 你需要和DSO谈谈 both 在你离开之前 and before the start of the semester that you will miss while you are out of the country.

如果你持有非F-1签证,  you should visit the Office of 国际学生服务 to discuss your international travel options.


You can always take a break during official university holidays and vacation periods regardless of your student visa status.

如果你有F-1签证, you are required to take a full load of classes (or be classified as a full-time graduate student) 每年秋季和春季学期这两个学期你都不能休息.

F-1 students who take a full load of classes in spring semester and intend to take a full load of classes in the next fall semester can take a break from studies in the summer. F-1 students who are beginning their studies on campus in the summer (even if they have already started classes online in a previous semester) must take a full load of classes (or be classified as a full-time graduate student) in that first summer.

如果你持有非F-1签证,  you should visit the Office of 国际学生服务 to discuss your options for taking a break from studies.



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